“If today were your first day, what would you chose to do with your life?”

I need to write an essay answering to this question. It's a difficult one... But thinking more and more about this I would say not much, small things. What I have now in my life is everything a women wants, or at least what I want.
I'm a happily married women with 2 beautiful twins: a boy and a girl. Being a mom it's a blessing and it's something I won't change for anything in the world.
I would reformulate the question: what would you like to do next with your life? This is the question I'm still trying to answer to. I had a very nice job, at a very nice corporation with a very nice brand. But now after coming back from maternity leave they just told me "sorry, there is no place"... What is this answer? How is this possible after 7 years? Is this my reword after so much hard work and dedication?! Well...this is the answer I've received, we are all just some pawns on a chessboard and the corporation will not be interested on what have you done... This is the unpleasant truth...it hearts but this is the reality...
Now I need to think and decide what should I do next. All I know is that I want and need to make something meaningful in my life, something my kids will be proud of, something that will change at least a little the world, something for myself, something different than being a pawn on a chessboard.
To offer my knowledge, my dedication, my ambition, my life experience,  my little time I have and not expecting anything in return. I think this is a way of acting when people deserve this. I have learned this in my time spent with my kids...they offer love, attention, smiles, kisses, hugs without expecting anything in return, but love. We, as parents, as human beings, need to learn more from this. We need to offer more and expect less and the universe will pay us when the time is right. Offer a hand to someone and don't expect anything, for sure when the time comes you will receive a hand from someone.
Now what I need to do is to find that something that will change my small world on different part of the world!!
So, my dear friends, let's start offering our hands!


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